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Gurgel & Fredericq 2004
Barrios <i>et al.</i> 2003
Bellorin <i>et al.</i> 2002
Taylor 1929
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Barrios, J., B. Márquez & M. Jiménez, 2003

Macroalgas asociadas a Rhizophora mangle L. en el Golfo de Santa Fe, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas 42(1):37-45.

Barrios, J., B. Márquez & M. Jiménez 2003

Bellorin, A., M. Oliveira & E. Oliveira, 2002

Phylogeny and systematics of the marine algal family Gracilariaceae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) based on small subunit rDNA and ITS sequences of Atlantic and Pacific species. Journal of Phycology 38(3):551-563.

Bellorin, A., M. Oliveira & E. Oliveira 2002

Gurgel, C. & S. Fredericq, 2004

Systematics of the Gracilariaceae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta): a critical assessment based on rbcL sequence analyses. Journal of Phycology 40:138-150.

Gurgel, C. & S. Fredericq 2004

Taylor, W., 1929

Notes on algae from the tropical Atlantic Ocean. American Journal of Botany 16:621-630.

(Citado en Ganesan, 1989)

Taylor, W. 1929